Unity Racing x SBA Breakfast

By Unity Racing
schedule15th Jul 24

Recently in collaboration with Simon Bull and the Scarborough Business Ambassadors we held a business breakfast at our school where we showcased to multiple industry professionals about what F1 in Schools is and how those companies could support us on our world finals campaign. During this breakfast visitors could test their reactions on our track, read through our national finals portfolios and learn how we test our car.

At the start of the breakfast the team gave a 10 Minute presentation where we guided visitors through our journey so far in F1 in Schools. Coming from two development class teams to becoming one whole team in professional class who is now preparing to compete at the 2024 Aramco F1 in Schools World Finals in Saudi Arabia later this year. During the presentation the team revealed their new Return on Investment Points System where sponsors are allocated a certain number of points depending on their sponsorship tier which they can spend at our points store so they can personally customise what they want as their return on investement.

In Addition to the team talking about their journey. We had three past competitors from Avidity Racing who competed at the 2019 World Finals in Abu Dhabi. They talked about how F1 in Schools propelled their career aspirations. For Hana Hinton is now doing a degree apprenticeship at the Dyson Institution for new product development at the University of Warwick. They also talked about how the help from SBA and other investors pushed them to compete on the world stage and also make their name known in the engineering industry.

This breakfast helped Unity Racing put their name out their for people to follow and possibly support financially. Also if you want to support Unity Racing feel free to contact the team and/or donate to our GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/unity-racing-world-finals-funding?qid=2d980a852f1537997df66cdcb7126fbe